Five Weight Loss Tips for Vegetarians and Vegans

Five Weight Loss Tips for Vegetarians and Vegans

If you’re vegetarian or vegan, there are many weight loss and wellness tactics that are specific to your dietary lifestyle. Below you will find five vegetarian-based tips that will help you reach your goals. And in case you weren’t aware, Doctor’s Best Weight Loss has an entire line of vegetarian products that will accommodate your needs. So if you don’t have time to cook or you just don’t enjoy cooking, you can find a variety of quick and easy vegetarian meals and snacks here.

1. Be Careful with the High-Glycemic Carbs

I know they tend to be staples of the vegetarian and vegan diets, however, it is critical to be careful not to eat too much cereal, bread, pasta, potatoes, crackers, or rice. These types of carbohydrates convert into sugar which then turns into fat, unless burned. For weight loss or toning, it is best to stick to no more than two servings per day, total, of the above mentioned foods.

2. Find Your Protein

Protein is a weight loss staple—it keeps you fuller for longer and assists with building lean muscle mass, and muscle burns fat. As a vegetarian, sometimes it can be hard to find adequate amounts of protein, so here are some of the best sources: nuts, nut butters, seeds, beans, lentils, peas, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, quinoa, tempeh, and hummus. For delicious and easy-to-make shakes, see our vegan chocolate shake mix here. 

3. Eat Several Servings of Vegetables Per Day

Vegetables should be a staple of everyone’s diet (not just vegetarians and vegans). Eating several servings per day will give you substantial amounts of fiber and micronutrients that will assist with weight loss and overall wellness. Some of my favorites are broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, artichokes, celery, Bok Choy, collard greens, and Romaine lettuce—keep in mind, green veggies tend to be the best for weight loss due to low sugar and carbohydrate content.

4. Choose Low-Sugar Fruits

Fruit also tends to be a staple of the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, but once again, keep in mind that too much sugar will turn into fat if not burned. There is a misconception that sugar from fruit doesn’t affect your body in the same way that table sugar does, but that is false. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot decipher between the two. The best low-sugar fruit options are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, apricot, grapefruit, tomato, and avocado.

5. Don’t Forget Your Fat

Healthy fats help to keep you fuller for longer and they assist with bad cholesterol reduction, but keep in mind that all fats are not created equally, so be mindful of your fat choices. Some of the healthiest vegetarian fats are found in Chia seeds, macadamia nuts, avocado, extra-virgin olive oil, seaweed, and egg yolks (if you are a vegetarian who consumes eggs).

Whether you are vegetarian or not, the five above-mentioned weight loss tips are actually beneficial for all dietary lifestyles. Keeping sugar intake down is imperative, no matter what type of food regimen you follow and these tips will assist with that. So, in case you have been reading along, despite the fact that you may not be vegetarian, you can employ these tactics along with your animal product consumption.

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